Homepage > Black Friday, Macy's, & Shawn D. What an Amazing Combination!!!
Black Friday, Macy's, & Shawn D. What an Amazing Combination!!!
11/29/2013 13:32
Black Friday, Macy's, & Shawn D.
Just a GREAT BIG Thank you from us. We had a really great time at the Macy's Black Friday event. I want to congratulate everyone on a job well done. The entire staff was fantastic. Macy's should be proud to know that they have such great people representing their brand. Macy's has always been a favorite of ours and our entire family. We grew up with Macy's. This event has brought everything full circle and I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. Everyone was shopping and grooving with Shawn D and Macy's. The staff, shoppers and YES...even the Manager of Macy's!!! The event was a complete success. Happy Holidays to everyone... and God Bless. Please enjoy the photos below. For more fun from Macy's, check out the video HERE.